List of speakers
- Joséphine MONZAC (LOA) "Effets d'ionisation et impact de l'hydrogène sur les performances d'un accélérateur laser-plasma kHz".
- Eléonore Roussel (PHLAM) « Single-shot electro-optic detection of THz electric field with high temporal resolution and MHz acquisition rate»
- Ernest Pastor (IPR) « Controlling the excited-state lifetime of transition metal oxide photocatalyst »
- François Courvoisier (Femto-ST) « Ultrafast micro-physics of Bessel beam interaction with solid dielectrics »
- Titouan Gadeyne (LIDYL) « Photon pathways in the nonperturbative nonlinear regime of high harmonic generation »
- Gabriel Granveau (LCF) « Reconstruction of the attosecond dynamics of unobserved ions »
- Lea Ibele (ICR) « Computational photochemistry to simulate time-resolved experimental observables »
- Josene Toldo (LCH-ENS Lyon) « Modeling excited states dynamics using surface hopping "
- Thierry Tran (CEISAM): « Can classical trajectory dynamics methods accurately simulate attochemistry? »
- François Balembois(LCF/SourceLab) « LED pumped alexandrite: potential for a new technology of femtosecond laser systems »
- Emilie Herault (Croma) « Génération par autocorrélation de signaux THz et de second harmonique à la surface de cristaux diélectriques. »
- Victor Despré (iLM) "Correlation-Driven Charge Migration Triggered by Infrared Multi-Photon Ionization"
- Mikhneva Anastasiia (CORIA) "Extreme ultraviolet source based on high harmonic generation in solids with a high-energy fiber-based 1550 nm driving laser"
- Edouard Hertz (ICB) "Generation of ultrashort harmonic pulses from solid-state media: broadband PI-FROST characterization and driving mechanisms"
- Thomas GAUTHIER (IPR) "Ultrafast photo-induced dynamics triggered by electron transfer in 1d van der waals heterostructure"
- Elodie Iglesis (LMPQ) "Optical pump-induced carrier dynamics in InSb: probing the plasma frequency evolution"
- Rajarshi Sinha-Roy (iLM) "Light-induced orbital magnetism in atomically precise metal clusters"
- Marie-Hélène CARRON (IJCLab) "Amplification of beams carrying Orbital Angular Momentum in a plasma-based XUV laser: a numerical study"
- David Le Bolloc'h (LPS) "Le glissement d'une Onde de densité de charge observé par une source XFEL"
- Rafael Menezes Ferreira (LIDYL) "Probing iodine chemical environment with ionization delays"
- Léonardo Rico (LCPMR) "Rabi oscillations, photo-emission and entanglement: A time-resolved picture"
- Michel Sliwa (LOB) "Toward the design of fast red reversible photoswitchable fluorescent proteins using multi-timescale transient absorption spectroscopy"
- Romain CAZALI (LIDYL) "Correlations drive the attosecond response of strongly-correlated insulators"
- Amadou Diallo (CELIA) "Ultrashort VUV pulse generation with orbital angular momentum transfer"
- Gildas Goldsztejn (ISMO) "A kHz laser desorption scheme adapted to ultrafast gas-phase measurements of thermolabile molecules"
- Akib Jabed (CELIA) "Unveiling charge dynamics in 3D topological insulator via time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy"
- François Balembois (LCF/SourceLab) "LED pumped alexandrite: potential for a new technology of femtosecond laser systems"
- Antoine Dubrouil (FEMTOeasy) "Ultrafast characterization and more"
- Zabiolle Olivier (Amplitude) "Advances in ultrafast laser systems and secondary sources at Amplitude"
- Simon Reiger (UFI/optonlaser) "Commercial table-top beamline for attosecond science"
- Ali Aras (IJCLaby) "Frequency Phase Noise Suppression for the DeLLight Interferometer to Measure the Optical Nonlinearity in Vacuum"
- Sebastien Weber (CEMES) "Données FAIR: acquisition, partage et reproductibilité des résultats"